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MCNnet 2.0

Minecraft Computer Node network ver. 2.0


MCNnet is an attempt to create software to handle client/server connections via nodes for OpenComputers(Computers working on Lua). Nodes are special computers which reroute all traffic to required host. If route to house is unknown, search will occur when the search packet is sent to each node. The connections part is handled by MNP (MCNnet Networking Protocol). It's bottom layer protocol. There would be other protocols:

Okay, cool, but what's the purpose of it?

OpenComputers on itself has no communication software - you're only able to send individual modem packets on specified port. What i was trying to do - to make tools to make servers for various purposes - news server, filedump server(aka cloud storage), music hosting service, remote reactor control server, possibly even internet banking - would be easier with MCNnet. Also would be a nice idea for everyone on the server to have their own webpage, like Geocities.

Reasons i stopped working

Lack of motivation really - i got distracted to other things.

GitHub link